Thursday 1 August 2013


by Michael Webb

Let’s face it — you never get a second chance to make a first impression!
That’s why, if you want to take things further with a woman, you need to show her your best on the very first date. And in actual fact, there are 5 things that men consistently do on first dates that totally destroy their chances of seeing the woman again, and the worst part is they think they’re doing it right!
Avoid the following 5 mistakes to increase your chances of success on your first date:
Bringing chocolate or flowers on a first date isn’t the best idea – especially if you’ve just met the woman! She’s there to get to know YOU. Women are always asking themselves “what does THAT mean?” And in this case it’s, “He bought me flowers because he likes me, but he doesn’t even know anything about me yet! A little suspicious.
When in the presence of a potential date, men often become boring, instead of keeping up the friendly vibe they have with their friends. They won’t make jokes or laugh with the woman, they won’t play around like they do with their friends and they generally take things a little too seriously.
Why do men change their behavior around women, often without even realizing they’re doing it? Because they fear losing their only chance with the girl of their dreams, they try and play the safe side, which results in a “Mr. Serious.”
When men become “Mr. Serious” they often fall into “job interview conversation mode.” Make sure you reserve questions like, “So where do you work?” or “How many brothers and sisters do you have?” for the future, after you’ve already had a lot of fun and made the sparks fly.
Instead, talk about your hobbies, interesting stories and fun stuff. Avoid anything too deep for a long period of time. On a first date, it can make things a little depressing. Talk like you’ve known each other for years (as if you don’t need to do the awkward 20-questions quiz.) Of course you can ask basic questions, but never make it the main focus of your date. Focus on fun.
Without realizing it, many guys turn their dates off by trying a little too hard. For example: Men will lean into a woman’s personal space, and ask, “so do you like me?” or constantly change his opinion to seek her approval and make her like him. Big mistake.
Ironically, it’s leaning back, staying cool and calm, being a little cheeky, interesting, mysterious and comfortable with yourself that actually gets a woman’s attention and keeps her interested.
If your date finds the night boring, you’re finished. When it comes to having fun on first dates, nothing is more important than what you do. And while dinners and movies are nice, it’s really hard to leave a great impression in these settings.
Why? Because they set a very “proper tone” that’s hard to turn into fun and playful. And unless you’re a super funny, intelligent and interesting guy, dinner and movie dates just aren’t the best place to take your date. Instead, go to fun places like mini-golf parks, carnivals, parks, or even better, come up with your own unique and fun ideas.
So in essence, while there are many factors to having a successful date, a great date idea really helps you do many of them naturally!
Remember, where you take a woman on a first date can be the difference between a great night and a dating disaster! Choose wisely!

by Jariel

The biggest problem with most advice from the seduction community is that it’s so long-winded and needlessly complicated. Therefore, I’m posting my most valuable lessons to date as a simplified tip sheet.
This is the result of all the hard work I’ve put into my development as a “Don Juan” and everything included here comes from personal experience and observations. Treat it as a guide to steer you clear of my failures and point you in the right direction. Putting it into effect is up to you and your efforts.
Self improvement is the surest path you can take to being successful with women, developing confidence and a better lifestyle. It takes time, sacrifice and dedication, but if you are willing to take this route, you will eventually experience the payoffs and be in a position to use it in whichever way you choose.
Just remember, it takes more than looks to be successful with women and self-improvement entails more than just getting in shape — it also involves developing social skills, gaining experience and working on a better way of life for yourself, a lot of which is covered below.
Study as much seduction theory as you wish, but until you have seen it working, it is just theory so don’t expect miracles!
You will hear/read many theories, lies and exaggerations, even from the “experts”, so never follow anything blindly. Get in the field and see for yourself whether it works or not! If it doesn’t, reevaluate it, adapt it or simply drop it and try something else. Learn from trial and error.
Strategies, techniques or lines merely act as a crutch — at some point you are going to have to walk on your own. The more you practice, the sooner you can do this!
Go out and mingle, spend time with friends and friends of friends, strike up conversations with people, get rejected, get numbers, make calls, arrange dates, arrange group meetings and nights out, and learn from your experiences. The more you practice, the more experience you will gain, and the more proficient your social skills will become and the more comfortable you will feel around people.
If you can’t get out for some reason or you currently feel too shy, it’s not a bad thing to chat to women on the internet. It’s risk free conversation practice and cyber-socializing is better than not socializing at all.
You will get rejected! You will get insulted or hurt! It’s unavoidable and happens to us all.
Suck it up, don’t ask questions, don’t try to salvage any losses, explain yourself or repair any mistakes… just let it go! Embrace your failures as part of a learning process that will add to your development. The more you fail, the wiser and stronger you will get!
A woman may come back to you for a second chance, she may not, but in all my experience and observations, she will only come back when she is ready and only once you have let go.
Your body can excite or repulse women, it’s your choice. Get in shape! Working out also keeps your mind focused and gives you purpose, while weightlifting increases testosterone, and can help you develop a bold, masculine and confident state of mind.
Women can think for themselves, and the idea that you can control their minds with your words and actions is a lie! Not even hypnotists can control people without their consent and cooperation. So stop trying to control, persuade and convince women and learn to accept their free will and work with them.
A woman should be with you because she wants to, not because she feels obliged or because you talked her into it.
People do judge on appearances, so think of the statement you wish to convey. Men who look after themselves are men who respect themselves, so always dress and groom well!
Look after your skin, teeth, nails and hygiene. It’s time and money well spent, because looking good will make you feel good, and will also earn you respect from others. Get some opinions, take some tips from the male models in catalogs and the male pinups that make women drool. Do not be afraid to take a few fashion risks and ignore those who think taking care of yourself is for gays only.
Your diet is essential to looking good and feeling good. Not only does a nutritious diet improve your body, but also your skin complexion, mental functions, health and your moods.
Free yourself of fear. If you’re shy, scared to socialize, scared of rejection, afraid to flirt or go for that first kiss, you MUST eventually overcome this if you ever hope to be successful with women, and you know it!
Whatever the consequences, billions of people have suffered it before you and worse than you, and not only survived, but emerged stronger for it. Also, try to consider the consequences of NOT acting! These are often worse! If it takes baby steps to overcome it, then take baby steps, but never retreat from your fears!
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself and shrug your shoulders at life’s trials. Bad stuff happens and no amount of analyzing or worrying is going to change it. It will only prolong it, so why bother? Go watch the Simpsons or something instead. Maybe you screw up a few times. We all do! At least you’ll know better next time.
Slow down and take everything at your own pace. Rushing causes people to make mistakes, speeds up their heart rate, their breathing rate and increases anxiety.
Your posture is very important to how you are perceived by others. A man who hunches his shoulders and holds his head down is perceived as scared, weak and insecure, while a man who stands tall, holds his head high is perceived as strong and confident. More importantly, your posture has a subconscious effect on how you feel.
You are the most important person in this entire world! This is your one shot at life, don’t throw it away! Respect yourself and never sell yourself short! Don’t let people walk over you. If people don’t show you the respect that you wish to receive or drag you down, ditch them! It’s better in the long term.
Set standards and stick to them. Never settle for anything less than you deserve.
Women are a nice addition to any guy’s life, but they are not essential to it. Find something you enjoy doing and do it. Get a hobby, start a project, seek to achieve some goals. Basically, occupy your mind with enjoyable activities.
This way, if you experience a bad period with women, you’re not going to be sitting around dwelling on it, calling her up and making a nuisance of yourself.
No, I do not mean a Neanderthal, a controlling chauvinist or a lecherous pervert. What I mean is that you must embrace your masculinity. Don’t be shy of flirting and (tactfully) expressing your desires. Women have sexual and emotional desires too and seek men who can fulfill them.
Women also like a man who makes them feel safe, who will take the lead, and who they can look up to. Women don’t want a wimp, an ass kisser, a sucker or indeed anyone who doesn’t respect himself. NEVER play for sympathy, run yourself down, show weakness or whine to her about your problems!
Some men are Deathly Afraid…
Most men don’t know the FIRST THING about how to take things to a “physical” level with a woman.
Here’s why:
Let’s say you’ve been out on a date with a woman, and you’re now back at your place, having an enjoyable conversation.
You look over at her.
She looks back at you.
You want to kiss her.
She KNOWS that you want to kiss her.
You know that she is the one with all the power.
If you try to kiss her, and she pulls away, she might reject you forever.
If you DON’T try to kiss her, maybe it will happen later, or maybe she’ll even kiss you…
The risk of being rejected FOREVER is so powerful and creates such fear that you decide to just “walk away” from the situation and hope something happens later.
Or let’s say that you’ve been out with a woman a few times, and you have just kissed her for the first time.
You know that she’s enjoying it.
She knows that you want her.
You’d REALLY like to do more, but you’re afraid that if you try, you’ll be seen as “moving too fast”, or even worse… a “pushy pervert”.
You hate the idea of being rejected after you’ve invested all that time and come so far…
So you decide to stop and hope that maybe things will “heat back up” later.
We’ve All Been There…
If you really stop and think about it, the reason why you run into problems in situations like these is that:
  1. You don’t understand exactly what turns women on.
  2. You are afraid of rejection.
  3. You don’t know what SHE’S thinking, so you hesitate.
I honestly believe that most men CAUSE their own problems and resistance when it comes to “getting physical” with a woman.
Yes, you read that right… MEN are the ones who CAUSE the problems.
It’s not the woman!
It’s the fact that you don’t understand the situation, what’s REALLY going on, and how to proceed.
What Women Want… But Will Never Tell You
Here’s a little secret that most women will NEVER share with you…
Women can tell what you’re thinking!
If you want to kiss her, but you’re nervous about it, SHE KNOWS.
If you’re kissing her and want to do more… SHE KNOWS.
Here’s the KICKER:
If you’re afraid of her rejecting you, SHE KNOWS.
Women are approximately TEN TIMES as good at men when it comes to reading and interpreting subtle body language, and THEY KNOW WHAT WE’RE THINKING.
Let me correct myself.
They know what MOST men are thinking.
If you understand the dynamics of how and why women become sexually aroused, then EVERYTHING CHANGES.
Let’s talk a little bit about the topics of RESISTANCE and REJECTION.
Here’s an interesting thought:
In their book “Sexual Interactions”, Albert and Elizabeth Allgeier mention that in one study almost 40% of women reported refusing sexual intercourse when they actually WANTED it. They call this “the token no”.
What’s going on here?
By the way, before I discuss this, I want to point out that this DOESN’T mean that a woman wants a man to force himself on her. NEVER force a woman to do anything.
Anticipation leads to sexual arousal.
Write that down.
On your forehead.
You need to remember that women like the idea of WANTING and EXPECTING what’s going to happen.
The reason why a lot of women say that they don’t want to sleep with men even when they do is because the man doesn’t GET IT.
Men act like they would enjoy it if a woman just took off her clothes and said “let’s do it”.
Women act like they want a man to chase them around all night… and then MAYBE do it. Maybe.
So if you want her to feel more turned on, and to get less “resistance”, then USE ANTICIPATION.
I have a technique that I teach that’s called “Two steps forward, one step back”.
This is a way to INCREASE a woman’s sexual arousal and AMPLIFY the ATTRACTION that’s already present in the situation.
Here’s how it works:
Let’s say that you’re talking to a woman at your place, and you start holding her hand.
After a few minutes, take your hand back and STOP.
Lean back.
Keep talking.
A few minutes later, reach over and take her hand again… and keep talking.
Then, lean over and kiss her (use “The Kiss Test”, as described at my website and in Double Your Dating).
After you’ve kissed her, STOP.
Lean back again.
Keep talking.
A few minutes later, reach over and kiss her again.
This time, kiss her for a little longer.
Kiss her a little deeper.
Then stop.
Lean back.
When you use this technique, you will be absolutely STUNNED at the results.
First of all, it completely changes the situation.
Instead of a woman RESISTING you, she’ll be much more likely to try to get you to DO MORE.
She’ll very likely be confused.
She’ll be thinking to herself “What’s going on here? Most guys try to push themselves on me, or they don’t do anything at all. This guy seems like he’s so in control of himself. And I keep getting more turned on. Maybe I should tell him that we’re not going to sleep together tonight. But this is so great…”
And the best part of this technique is that IT’S WHAT WOMEN WANT YOU TO DO!
Of course, they’d never TELL you this. And even if a woman COULD explain it, she wouldn’t WANT to tell you. Women want men who ALREADY GET IT.
I want to mention a couple of more important things.
First, if you want to even GET to the point where it’s time to hold a woman’s hand, kiss her, and get even more physical, then you MUST understand how ATTRACTION works, and how to make women feel that powerful emotion.
If you don’t, then knowing all the fancy techniques in the world won’t help you.
It’s also VERY useful to understand what to do AFTER you’ve kissed a woman… the details of how to do OTHER, more INTIMATE things
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Art of nature
Art of nature

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